FAQs About Art Therapy

Do I need to be an artist to do art therapy?

No, art therapy is for everyone. The goal is expression, with the emphasis on the creative process rather than on technique or skill. In fact, you don’t even need to know how to draw a straight line!

Is an art therapist a “real” therapist?

Yes, art therapists are required to take similar coursework to many other mental health professionals. They are also required to have a Masters degree and do hundreds of hours of supervised work with clients before they can practice art therapy.

What is a typical session like?

Though each session will vary based on the needs of the client, a typical session will begin with some introduction and sharing (perhaps about the week). Then there will be time for a creative process, perhaps based on the issues that came up in the talking. Then, there will be time for sharing and ending the session.

What kinds of materials might I use in a session?

You will use what you are comfortable with and you will have guidance from the art therapist in choosing materials. Some materials may include-picture cut outs from magazines, photographs from home, clay, sand, paint, and drawing materials like pastels or pencils.

Can an art therapist be my primary therapist?

Absolutely, Art Therapists are qualified professionals that have similar training to many other mental health professionals.

I already have a therapist. Can I still do art therapy?

Yes, art therapy can bring new vision and insight into your work with your therapist.

Where are you located?

321 N. Front St., Ste 201
Wilmington, NC 28401
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